Automated TipNovus (ATN)

Grenova Debuts the Automated TipNovus (ATN) Package: A Fully Integrated, Turnkey Solution

September 14, 2021

Grenova, the laboratory industry’s only patented technology capable of washing and reusing plastic consumables, has unveiled the Automated TipNovus (ATN) Package. The newest product offering by the leading green technology company provides a fully integrated, turnkey tip- washing solution that improves lab operations, speed, and impact while reducing waste. The Automated TipNovus (ATN) Package, powered by the award-winning TipNovus, is available for sale and implementation immediately with easy setup.

“Like our entire product portfolio, the new Automated TipNovus (ATN) Package has been tested and implemented successfully in CLIA– and CAP-approved labs around the world as an effective way to prevent pipette tip shortages during the pandemic and beyond,” said Ali Safavi, founder and CEO of Grenova. “Compatible with most liquid handling and manual pipette tips out of the box, ATN is designed to integrate into a lab’s current workflow easily and quickly for immediate impact.”

Labs leveraging Grenova’s new automated package have demonstrated the ability to create supply chain resilience and protection against uncertainty during global pipette tip shortages. In addition, lab partners leveraging the ATN are reducing the recurring cost of single-use pipette tips. ATN has also helped labs deliver on their promise to reduce plastic, bio-hazardous waste.

Labs around the world wishing to remove the logistical constraints needed to implement tip washing while reducing labor hours needed to wash tips, can learn more at

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